The Wolf Man Myth

Šung'manitu-tanka Oyate........Wolf Legend and Lore


The Wolf Man: The Wolf Man is a story about how a man did not think that his two wives were competent enough because they kept visiting others and having fun instead of working. He decided to take them to a far place with no one to visit and keep them there until they started working instead of having fun. The wives did not like this so they decided that they wanted to kill him. They set a trap for him to fall into a hole. The man did not die and was saved by wolves, coyotes, and foxes where he hunted and lived with them as a wolf man. He was caught stealing from his old tribe and they found out that his wived tried to kill him. The wives were never seen again.

My analysis

The Wolf Man Myth: The Wolf Man myth that was created by the Blackfoot Native American Tribe tells a very clear lesson through the plot. I felt connected to this myth because I believe that people who try to do harm to others never win in the end and this myth is a perfect example of that. This myth shows that the culture that created it believes that people should not have malicious intentions towards others because it will come back to them at some point. This myth is similar to other myths I have read because it involves animals having a connection with humans. In this myth, the wolves, foxes, and coyotes have a strong connection with the man. Similarly, in the African Bushmen myth, the animals and humans lived in harmony and peace in the beginning.

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